Internal Control Information and Resources
Internal controls include actions taken to mitigate risks, establish expectations, and promote reasonable common sense. Effective internal controls provide assurance to stakeholders (employees, donors, research sponsors, students, patients, etc.) that investments in Emory are utilized appropriately and further the achievement of our strategic and operational goals. Simply speaking, internal controls are the bedrock for making sure that we do the "right" things and reduce (mitigate for) the risk of the "wrong" things from happening.
Available below, for your reference, is a collection of internal control presentations, informational references, and advisory bulletins. We encourage you to review these references and consider proactively incorporating recommended controls (policies, process elements, and monitoring) within your school or unit's operating environment.
Internal Controls
- Internal Controls Presentation- PDF (9.11MB)
- Financial Internal Controls Best Practices - PDF (305KB)
- Financial Internal Controls Questionnaire - PDF (421KB)
- Data Integrity- Verification Validation and Security - PDF (456KB)
- Advisory Bulletin: Safeguarding Research
Participant Payment Funds (RPPF) - PDF (136KB)